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The FoD key return codes

This section describes the FoD key return codes, include the following:

  • For FoD-related return codes, see Table 1.

  • For Multi FoD-related return codes, see Table 2.

Table 1. OneCLI FoD-related return codes
Decimal baseDescription
96The specify FoD key does not exist on the current system.
97Failed to generate the FoD key from KMS website.
98Failed to operate file.
99The KMS website reports failure.
100The key cannot be uninstalled or exported.
101Failed to export part of keys from target system.
102Could not find the match key from the specified folder.
103The FoD install is not supported when specifying directory of parameter keyfile.
104The FoD SDSi specified by socketid does not exist on current system.
105The FoD SDSi does not exist on current system.
106The FoD SDSi is only supported in the redfish interface.
107Failed to get PPIN.
108The FoD SDSi is not supported on current system.
109Failed to export the state report.
110Unable to find the processor specified by socketid on current system.
111The command is not supported on current system.
112Failed to execute command.
113Failed to get current tier.
114Failed to report the FoD key.
115Failed to export the FoD key.
116Failed to uninstall the FoD key.
117Failed to install the FoD key.
118Unique identifier is invalid.
119Authentication code does not exist.
120Active key already exists in KMS website.
121FoD key ID is invalid.
122FoD key is not found from target key repository.
123FoD key file is not found.
124Specified machine type or serial number is invalid.
125FoD key file is invalid.
Table 2. OneCLI Multi FoD-related return codes
Decimal baseDescription
124Add IP address error.
125Restore network configure error.