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edgeserver command

Use the edgeserver command to manage the status of the ThinkEdge servers.

edgeserver command syntax

OneCli.exe [misc] edgeserver <command> [options...]
Table 1. edgeserver commands
getsecurityinfoGet ThinkEdge server security information from BMC.
OneCli.exe [misc] edgeserver getsecurityinfo [--bmc|-b <arg>] 
[--check-trust|-C] [--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q]
[--noping] [--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog] [--config <arg>]
lockLock the server.
OneCli.exe [misc] edgeserver lock [--bmc|-b <arg>] 
[--check-trust|-C] [--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q]
[--noping] [--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog] [--config <arg>]
unlockUnlock server over BMC.
OneCli.exe [misc] edgeserver unlock [--bmc|-b <arg>] 
[--check-trust|-C] [--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q]
[--noping] [--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog] [--config <arg>]

Example of the edgeserver command

OneCli.exe edgeserver unlock -b