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raid command

Use the raid command to create, clear, and save the RAID configuration, check the drive information, convert the JBOD drives to the unconfigured good drives, and convert the unconfigured good drives to the JBOD drives.

  • It is risky to change the RAID configuration because all data on the disk might not be available.

  • From V2.4.0, OneCLI supports the RAID configuration on M.2 SSD with the matching XCC level. The RAID configuration on M.2 SSD supports the following commands: add, clear, save, and show.

  • From V2.5.0, OneCLI supports Software Raid configuration with Intel RSTe Software on Linux. The Software Raid configuration with Intel RSTe Software supports the following commands: show, add, and clear.

  • From V2.8.0, OneCLI supports Broadcom RAID configuration with storcli utility on Windows and Linux. The Broadcom RAID configuration supports the following commands: show, add, save, clear, makegood, and makejbod.

  • From V3.0.0, OneCLI supports M.2 controller RAID configuration in the in-band mode on Windows and Linux. The M.2 controller RAID configuration supports the following commands: show, add, save, and clear.

  • From V3.5.1, OneCLI supports Broadcom RAID/Microchip RAID configuration through out-of-band mode for the ThinkServer servers.

Table 1. raid commands

Create RAID configuration.

For more information, refer to add command.


Assign the drive as hot spare.

For more information, refer to addhsp command.


Change the connector mode for Microchip RAID adapter.

For more information, refer to changemode command.


Clear RAID configuration.

For more information, refer to clear command.


Enable or disable the firmware device ordering feature of the RAID adapter.

For more information, refer to fwdeviceorder command.


Quickly initialize volumes.

For more information, refer to init command.


Convert the JBOD drives to the unconfigured good drives.

For more information, refer to makegood command.


Convert the unconfigured good drives to the JBOD drives.

For more information, refer to makejbod command.


Remove the hot spare.

For more information, refer to rmhsp command.


Save RAID configuration.

For more information, refer to save command.


Show controller and drive information.

For more information, refer to show command.

Template policy file

The following is the template policy file for Hardware Raid configuration. For the latest template policy file, refer to RAID_HW_new.ini in OneCLI binary.

# Sample template to create hardware RAID configuration using --ctrl parameter.
# Broadcom and Marvell controller RAID can be remotely created and configured by OneCLI running in the local
# via out-of-band mode.
# Broadcom, Microchip and Marvell controller RAID can be created and configured by OneCLI running in the local
# via inband mode.
# One or more volumes can be created in Broadcom and Microchip controller RAID, but only one volume can be
# created in Marvell controller RAID.
# Note:
# 1. Broadcom 5xx series cards do not have cache, so the cache related settings are not applicable, such as
# Read Policy, Write Policy and I/O Policy.
# To use this sample, uncomment and edit a block of example based on your needs.

# Create one simple RAID1 volume for Broadcom controller RAID, one simple RAID1 volume for Microchip controller
# RAID and one simple RAID0 volume for Marvell controller RAID.
# For Broadcom controller RAID, create one RAID1 volume which consumes 200GB.
# For Microchip controller RAID, create one RAID1 volume which consumes 300GB.
# For Marvell controller RAID, create one RAID0 volume that consumes all volume capacity.
# For controller RAID on ThinkServer, create one RAID0 volume that consumes 446GB.

# This is for Broadcom controller
# [ctrl1-vol0]
# disks=0,1
# hot_spares=2
# raid_level=1
# vol_name=volume0
# write_policy=0
# read_policy=0
# io_policy=0
# access_policy=0
# cache_policy=0
# volume_size=200GB
# strip_size=64K
# [ctrl1]
# global_hot_spares=3
# This is for Microchip controller
# [ctrl2-vol1]
# disks=3,4
# hot_spares=5
# raid_level=1
# vol_name=volume1
# io_policy=1
# volume_size=300GB
# strip_size=128K
# This is for Marvell controller
# [ctrl3]
# raid_level=0
# vol_name=m2vol
# strip_size=64K
# This is for Broadcom controller on ThinkServer
# [ctrl4-vol0]
# disks=6
# raid_level=0
# vol_name=EEE
# write_policy=0
# read_policy=0
# access_policy=0
# cache_policy=0
# volume_size=446GB
# strip_size=256K
# initialization=0

# disks
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Required] Specify drive(s) index separated by ",", supporting ”rest”(case insensitive).
# Specify span(s) index separated by ":"when RAID level is 1E, 10, 50, 60 or 00.(For example, 0,1:2,3)
# [Microchip] [Required] Specify drive(s) index separated by ",". Specify span(s) index separated by ":"
# when RAID level is 10, 50, 60 or 00.(For example, 0,1:2,3)
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Required] The same as Broadcom oob way except not supporting ”rest”.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Required] The same as Broadcom oob way except not supporting ”rest”.
# [Microchip] [Required] Specify drive(s) index separated by ",".
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] disks=0,1
# hot_spares
# Drive group for hot spare. Specify drive(s) index separated by ",".
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional]
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional]
# [Microchip] [Optional]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] hot_spares=2,3
# raid_level
# [Required]
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] Values: 0, 1, 5, 1E, 6, 10, 50, 60, 00.
# [Microchip] Values: 0, 1, 5, 1E, 6, 10, 50, 60, 00, 1triple, 10triple.
# [Marvell] Values: 0, 1.
# [ThinkServer] Values: 0, 1, 5, 1E, 6, 10, 50, 60, 00 and so on.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] Values: The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] Values: 0, 1, 5, 1E, 6, 10, 50, 60, 00, 1triple, 10triple.
# [Marvell] Values: The same as Marvell oob way.
# [Format] raid_level=1
# vol_name
# [Required] Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -(dash), .(period), and _(underscore).
# Marvell NVMe RAID: vol_name is unapplicable.
# [ThinkServer] [Optional]
# [Format] vol_name=volume1
# write_policy
# Cache write policy
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] Values: 0-Write Through, 1-Always Write Back, 2-Write Back with BBU. Default value 0.
# [Microchip] [Optional] Values: 1-Always Write Back, 2-Write Back, 3-Off. Default value 3.
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Broadcom on ThinkServer] [Optional] Values: 0-Write Through, 1-Unprotected Write Back. Default value 0.
# [Microchip on ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] write_policy=0
# read_policy
# Cache read policy.
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] In System X, values: 0-No Read Ahead, 1-Read Ahead, 2-Adaptive Read Ahead. Default value 0.
# In ThinkSystem, values: 0-No Read Ahead, 1-Always Read Ahead. Default value 0.
# [Microchip] [Optional] Values: 0-No Read Ahead, 1-Read Ahead. Default value 0.
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Broadcom on ThinkServer] [Optional] Values: 0-Off, 1-Read Ahead. Default value 0.
# [Microchip on ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] read_policy=0
# io_policy
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] Cache IO policy. Values: 0-Direct I/O, 1-Cached I/O. Default value 0.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Optional] Acceleration Method. values: 0-None, 1-Controller Cache, 2-SsdIOBypass.
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] io_policy=0
# access_policy
# Access policy.
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] Values: 0-Read Write, 2-Read Only, 3-Blocked. Default value 0.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] access_policy=0
# cache_policy
# Disk cache policy.
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] 0-Unchanged, 1-Enable, 2-Disable. Default value 0.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] cache_policy=1
# volume_size
# New volume size. Unit: MB/GB.
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Required] Support percentage.
# [Microchip] [Required]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell on ThinkServer] [Unsupported] Marvell will use all space by default.
# [Broadcom/Mircochip on ThinkServer] [Required] Not support percentage.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Required]
# [Microchip] [Required]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] volume_size=50%
# volume_size=500GB
# strip_size
# Strip Size. Unit: K
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] Values: 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K and so on. Default value 128K.
# [Microchip] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Marvell] [Required] Values: 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K.
# [ThinkServer] [Required] Values: 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1024K.
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Microchip] [Optional] The same as Broadcom oob way.
# [Marvell] [Required] The same as Marvell oob way.
# [Format] strip_size=64K
# initialization
# Initialization for this volume.
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional] Values: 0-No initialization, 1-Quick initialization, 2-Full initialization.
# To run full initialization on System x servers use IMM or UEFI, on ThinkSystem servers
# use XCC or LXPM, or use the vendor provided RAID setup utility tool in both cases.
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Broadcom on ThinkServer] [Optional] Values: 0-No initialization, 1-Quick initialization, 2-Full initialization.
# Default value 0.
# [Microchip on ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Unsupported]
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] initialization=0
# global_hot_spares
# Drive group for global hot spare. Specify drive(s) index separated by ",".
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional]
# [Microchip] [Unsupported]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [ThinkServer] [Unsupported]
# In inband mode:
# [Broadcom] [Optional]
# [Microchip] [Optional]
# [Marvell] [Unsupported]
# [Format] global_hot_spares=2

The following is the template policy file for Software Raid configuration. For the latest template policy file, refer to RAID_SW_new.ini in OneCLI binary.

# Sample template to configure RAID volumes with Intel RSTe Software RAID and Intel(R) virtual RAID using 
# --ctrl parameter.
# Intel VROC and Intel Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise (Intel RSTe) were previously related products in
# the same product family.
# The SATA RAID portion of the product family was called Intel RSTe and the NVMe RAID portion was called Intel VROC.
# However, starting in Q1 2019, with the launch of Intel VROC 6.0, the Intel RSTe name was removed, and all RAID
# solutions in this product
# family were branded as Intel VROC. The SATA functionality remains, but is now branded as Intel VROC (SATA RAID).

# Software RAID can be created and configured by OneCLI running in the Operating System.
# If the disk count is sufficient, one array and up to two volumes of mixed RAID levels can be created.
# Ensure that the proper Intel software RAID driver is installed on Windows.
# To use this sample, uncomment and edit a block of example based on your needs.

# For Intel VROC via out-of-band mode, create one RAID0 volume which consumes 300GB.
# disks=1,2
# raid_level=0
# vol_name=volume1
# volume_size=300GB
# strip_size=128K
# For Intel VROC via inband mode in windows, create one RAID0 volume which consumes 50GB and one RAID0 volume
# which consumes rest capacity.
# disks=1,2
# raid_level=0
# vol_name=vol0
# vol_capacity=50GB
# vol_strip_size=64K
# RAID_write_hole=Off
# disks=1,2
# raid_level=0
# vol_name=vol1
# vol_strip_size=64K
# RAID_write_hole=Off
# global_hot_spares=3

# disks
# [Required] Specify drive(s) index separated by ",".
# [Format] disks=0,1
# raid_level
# [Required] Values: 0, 1, 5, 10.
# [Format] raid_level=1
# vol_name
# [Required] Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -(dash), .(period), and _(underscore).
# [Format] vol_name=vol0
# volume_size
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Required] New volume size. Unit: MB / GB.
# [Format] volume_size=500GB
# vol_capacity
# In inband mode:
# [Optional] Capacity of the volume, in gigabyte (use the value number). Default value is all available space.
# The second volume under the same Array uses all the remaining space by default.
# [Format] vol_capacity=50GB
# strip_size
# In out-of-band mode:
# [Optional] Values: 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K. Default value 128K.
# [Format] strip_size=64K
# vol_strip_size
# In inband mode:
# [Optional] Strip size of the volume, in kilobyte.
# RAID1, not support the stripSize setting.
# RAID0, default value(128K), values : 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K.
# RAID5, default value(64K), values : 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K.
# RAID10, default value(64K), values : 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K.
# [Format] vol_strip_size=64K
# global_hot_spares
# [Optional] Drive group for global hot spare,specify drive(s) index separated by ",".
# If no value is specified, there will be no global hot spare.
# [Format] global_hot_spares=3
# RAID_write_hole
# In inband mode:
# [Optional] Close RAID Write Hole policy(RAID5). Default value(Off), values : Off, Distributed.
# [Format] RAID_write_hole=Off

Example of the raid command

OneCli.exe misc raid add --bmc userid:password@host--file raid.ini