multivm commands
Use the multivm command to list, mount, or unmount the virtual media on multiple BMC.
multivm command syntax
Usage: OneCli.exe [misc] multivm mount <--configfile <arg>> [--id|-I <arg>]
[--path|-P <arg>] [--check-trust|-C]
[--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q]
[--writeprotected] [--unattended]
[--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog]
[--config <arg>] [--help|-h]
Command | Syntax example | Description |
list |
| List the virtual media status on BMC. |
mount |
| Mount virutal media on BMC by using ID. |
umount |
| Unmount virutal media on BMC by using ID. |
Parameter | Required/Optional | Notes |
--configfile | Required | Specify the configuration file for multiple task commands, the format is: Sample/muti_task_config.json. |
--id, -I | Only required in the mount and umount commands. | Specify the virtual media ID, for example, RDOC1, EXT1, and Remote1. For ThinkBMC, the virtual media ID is CD. |
--path, -P | Only required in the mount and umount commands. | Specify the URL of virtual media path, which supports NFS and HTTPFS. Support NFS and CIFS in ThinkBMC. NFS URL address form:
NFS (ThinkBMC) form:
CIFS(ThinkBMC) form:
HTTPFS URL address form:
The domain-name can be alphanumeric characters |
Example of the multivm command
OneCli.exe misc multivm list --configflie multitask.json