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ffdc command

Use the ffdc command to collect the FFDC of BMC/ESXi/CMM/SMM.

ffdc command syntax

Onecli.exe [misc] ffdc [<options>]


  • Usage:
    Usage: OneCli.exe [misc] ffdc [ [--cmm|-c <arg>] [--smm <arg>]
    [--bmc|-b <arg>] [--esxi|-e <arg>] ]
    [--cn <arg>] [--sn <arg>]
    [--mt <arg>] [--check-trust|-C]
    [--never-check-trust|-N] [--upload <arg>]
    [--proxy|-P <arg>] [--proxy-cacert <arg>]
    [--cacert <arg>] [--proxy-insecure]
    [--insecure] [--tftp <arg>]
    [--sftp <arg>] [--bmc-username|-u <arg>]
    [--bmc-password|-w <arg>] [--bmc-rest-port|-p <int>]
    [--bmc-cim-port|-p <int>] [--iobay <arg>]
    [--node|-n <int>] [--quiet|-q]
    [--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog]
    [--config <arg>] [--help|-h]
Table 1. ffdc command specific parameters
--cacertOptionalSpecify the path of CACert.
--cmmRequiredSpecify CMM IP and credential information.

Specify the case number to upload the files to Lenovo System CARE. The case number should be composed of at least seven characters.

--esxiOptionalSpecify IP and credential information of VMware ESXI OS.
--insecureOptionalAllow insecure server connections when using SSL.

Specify with --sn. Specify the machine of the target system when uploading the files to System CARE.

--proxy, -POptional

Specify proxy user credential and IP address used to connect to the target server specified in the --upload parameter.

This parameter should be used with --upload.

The format is user: password@host[:port].

For IPv6 address, the format is socks5://user:password@[IPv6]:port.

--proxy-cacertOptionalSpecify the path of proxy CACert.
--proxy-insecureOptionalConnect to HTTPS proxy without verifying.

Specify the access information of the target SMM. The format is: userid:password@host[:port].

  • Both the IPv4 address and the IPv6 address are supported. The IPv6 address shall be enclosed in brackets. For example, [FE80:3BA7:94FF:FE07:CBD0].

  • If the IPv6 is LLA, the format is [FE80:3BA7:94FF:FE07:CBD0%xxx]. Replace xxx with the interface name.


Specify with --mt. Specify the serial number of the target system when uploading the files to System CARE.


This parameter can be specified with the following arguments: lenovo and server address.

If specified with lenovo, the format is: --upload lenovo. The inventory data is uploaded to Lenovo Upload Facility. Users should specify the case number, or specify both machine type and serial number.

If specified with server address, the format is: --upload server address. The inventory data is uploaded to the target server. The supported protocols include: TFTP, FTP, and SFTP.

If not specified, no inventory data will be uploaded.

  • --bmc, -b

  • --bmc-password, -w

  • --bmc-username, -u

  • --config

  • --check-trust, -C

  • --iobay

  • --never-check-trust, -N

  • --nolog

  • --output, -o


Refer to Table 2.

Example of the ffdc command

OneCli.exe misc ffdc --bmc userid:password@host
OneCli.exe misc ffdc --cmm userid:password@host --sftp root:password@host
OneCli.exe misc ffdc --smm userid:password@host --tftp host