multiserase command
Use the multiserase command to erase all data on disks for multiple severs at the same time.
multiserase command syntax
OneCli [misc] multiserase <--configfile <arg>> <--erasefile <arg>> [--check-trust|-C]
[--never-check-trust|-N] --sftp <arg>] [--dir <arg>] [--quiet|-q] [--graceful ]
[--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog] [--config <arg>] [--help|-h]
Parameter | Required/Optional | Notes |
--configfile | Required | Specify the configuration file for the multi task commands. The format is: Sample/multi_task_config.json. |
--dir | Optional | Specifies the directory for BMU boot required platform package. If no --dir is specified, the current directory will be used. |
--erasefile | Required | Specify the configuration file for the serase command. The format is Sample/erasefile.json. |
--graceful | Optional | Gracefully power off OS in the platform update process. |
--sftp | Optional | Specify the SFTP server for old servers. The format is user:password@IP:port. |
| Refer to Table 2. |
Example of the multiserase command
OneCli.exe multiserase –configfile sample/multi_task_config.json --erasefile sample/erasefile.json
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