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makejbod command

Use the makejbod command to convert the unconfigured good drives to the JBOD drives. This command can only be used in the ThinkSystem servers.

makejbod command syntax

Usage: ./OneCli [misc] raid makejbod [--bmc|-b <arg>] [--ctrl <arg>]
[--target|-t <arg>] [--drive|-d <arg>]
[--force] [--check-trust|-C]
[--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q]
[--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog]
[--config <arg>] [--help|-h]
Table 1. makejbod command specific parameters

Specify controller ID starting with index 1.

Example: --ctrl 1.

--drive, -dOptional

Specify target drive ID.

The arguments can be grouped in multiple targets and separated by commas.

If it is not specified, it means all.

--target, -tOptional (Deprecated from V3.5.1)

It is recommended to use the --ctrl option instead.

Specify the target controller ID. The following is the description on ID:
  • 1: ctrl[1]

  • m2/m.2: Single m.2 raid

  • m2-1/m.2-1: Multi m.2 raid

The argument can be specified to multiple targets by comma. If not specified, it means all.

Example of the makejbod command

OneCli.exe misc raid makejbod --ctrl 1 --bmc xxxx:xxxx@xx.xx.xx.xx