Analyzing active alerts
The Alerts Analytics card summarize the active alerts.
Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator summarizes active alerts based on specific criteria. Each summary includes the following information.
- A circular chart that shows the total number of active alerts and percentage of alerts that are associated with each summary type
- The number of active alerts for each summary type
- Age of the older active alert
- A line graph that shows number of active alerts for each summary type per day over the specified number of days
- The number of alerts that were active for each summary type on a specific day. The current day is shown by default. You can change the day by hovering over each day in the line graph.
Overall active alerts
To view the overall active alert summaries, complete the following steps.
- From the XClarity Orchestrator menu bar, click to display the Alerts Analytics card.
- Select the time period from the drop-down list above the line graph. The default is the last seven days.
- Select the summary type from the Analyze by drop-down list.
- Severity. (default) This report summarizes active alerts by severity: critical, warning, and informational.
- Source type. This report summarizes active alerts that were generated by each source type, such as device, management, and analytics.
- Resource type. This report summarizes active alerts for each resource type, such as devices, resource managers and XClarity Orchestrator.
- Serviceability. This report summarizes active alerts that are associated with each serviceability type: none (service is not required), user (service is performed by the user), serviceable (service is performed by Lenovo).
Active alerts for a specific device
To view the active alert for a specific device, complete the following steps.
- From the XClarity Orchestrator menu bar, click Resources (
) and then click the device type to display a card with a tabular view of all managed devices of that type.
- Click the row for the device to display the device summary cards for that device.
- Click Alerts Log to display the list of active alerts for the device and the Alerts Analytics card.
- From the Alerts Analytics card, select the time period from the drop-down list above the line graph. The default is the last seven days.
- Select the summary type from the Analyze by drop-down list.
- Source type. This report summarizes active alerts that were generated by each source type, such as device, management, and analytics.
- Serviceability type. This report summarizes active alerts that are associated with each serviceability type: none (service is not required), user (service is performed by the user), serviceable (service is performed by Lenovo).
- Severity. This report summarizes active alerts for by severity: critical, warning, and informational.
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