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Exporting an operating-system-installation response file

You can export the operating system installation settings to a response file. Later, you can clone the settings in this response file to other similarly configured Lenovo servers.

To export an operating-system-installation response file, do the following:
  1. Attach a USB storage drive to the server or connect your server to a shared network. For instructions on how to connect to a shared network, refer to Configuring network settings.

    The USB storage drive should include an FAT32 partition.
  2. Follow the wizard to go through the Drive Selection, OS Selection, Installation Settings, Partition Options, and Summary steps.

  3. In the Summary step, select the Save response file as (.xml) check box, and click Next. The Save Response File window is displayed.

  4. Select the location to save the response file and input a file name.

  5. Click OK. Wait for several minutes until the saving process is completed.