Troubleshooting by symptom
See this section to find solutions to problems that have identifiable symptoms.
To use the symptom-based troubleshooting information in this section, complete the following steps:
- Check the event log of the application that is managing the solution and follow the suggested actions to resolve any event codes.
If you are managing the solution from the Lenovo XClarity Administrator, begin with the Lenovo XClarity Administrator event log.
If you are managing the solution from the System Management Module 2, begin with the System Management Module 2 event log.
If you are using some other management application, begin with the Lenovo XClarity Controller event log.
For more information about event logs, see Event logs)
Review this section to find the symptoms that you are experiencing and follow the suggested actions to resolve the issue.
If the problem persists, contact support (see Contacting Support).