PCIe riser card connectors
See this section to locate the connectors on the PCIe riser cards.
Two zones are available for PCIe riser cards:
- Zone 1 (Slot 1 to 3) is available for:
- Zone 2 (Slot 5 to 6) is available for x16/x16 PCIe riser card.
x16/x16 (x8 lanes) PCIe riser card
See this section to locate the connectors on the x16/x16 (x8 lanes) PCIe riser card.
This card is applied to both x16/x16 (x8 lanes) FH/HL PCIe riser and x16/x16 (x8 lanes) FH/HL PCIe riser with 7mm drive cage bracket.
Figure 1. x16/x16 (x8 lanes) PCIe riser card connectors

1 PCIe full-height riser | 3 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (x8 lane) (Slot 2) |
2 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (x8 lane) (Slot 1) |
x16/x16/x16 PCIe riser card
See this section to locate the connectors on the x16/x16/x16 PCIe riser card.
Figure 2. x16/x16/x16 PCIe riser card connectors

1 PCIe full-height riser | 4 PCIe cable connector |
2 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (Slot 3) | 5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (Slot 1) |
3 PCIe cable connector | 6 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (Slot 2) |
x16/x16 PCIe riser card
See this section to locate the connectors on the x16/x16 PCIe riser card.
Figure 3. x16/x16 PCIe riser card connectors

1 PCIe full-height riser | 3 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (Slot 5) |
2 PCIe cable connector | 4 PCI Express 3.0 x16 (Slot 6) |
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