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Installation order: memory mirroring with three processors

Memory module installation order for memory mirroring with three processors installed in the server.

The following tables show the DIMM population sequence for memory mirroring when three processors are installed.

  • Processors 1 and 2 are installed in the lower system board of the lower compute tray.

  • Processor 3 is installed in the upper system board of the lower compute tray or in the upper compute tray (processor slot 4 or processor slot 6).

When adding one or more DIMMs during a memory upgrade, you might need to move other DIMMs that are already installed to new locations.
Table 1. Memory mirroring with three processors (Processors 1 and 2, 6 to 24 total DIMMs installed in server)
TotalProcessor 1Processor 2Total
DIMMs123456 789101112131415161718 192021222324DIMMs
6 810 20226
8 81012 2022248
9        8 10 12        20 22 249
1035 810 20222410
11  3 5   8 10    15 17   20 22  11
1235 8101517 202212
1313 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported13 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported13
14135 810121517 202214
151 3 5   8 10 1213 15 17   20 22 2415
16135 81012131517 202216
1717 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.17 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.17
18135 81012131517 20222418
1919 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.19 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.19
203456 78910131517 20222420
2121 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.21 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.21
223456 7891015161718 1920212222
2323 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.23 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.23
243456 7891015161718 1920212224

Related DIMM population sequences for three processor systems:

  • Processor 1 and 2 DIMM population sequences for 25 to 36 DIMMs, see Table 2.

  • To continue populating processor 3 for a system with 6 to 24 DIMMs, see Table 3.
Table 2. Memory mirroring with three processors (Processors 1 and 2, 25 to 36 total DIMMs installed in server)
TotalProcessor 1Processor 2Total
DIMMs123456 789101112131415161718 192021222324DIMMs
251 3 5  789101112  15161728 19202122  25
26135 789101112131517 19202122232426
271 3 5  78910111213 15 17  19202122232427
28123456 78910111215161718 1920212228
29123456 78910111213 15 17  19202122232429
30123456 789101112131517 19202122232430
3131 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.31 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.31
32123456 789101112131415161718 19202122232432
33123456 789101112131415161718 19202122232433
3434 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.34 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.34
3535 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.35 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.35
36123456 789101112131415161718 19202122232436

Related DIMM population sequences for three processor systems:

  • Processor 1 and 2 DIMM population sequences for 6 to 24 DIMMs, see Table 1.

  • To continue populating processor 3 for a system with 25 to 36 DIMMs, see Table 4.
Table 3. Memory mirroring with three processors (Processor 3, 6 to 24 total DIMMs installed in server). Processor 3 is actually installed in the processor 4 or processor 6 slot.
TotalProcessor 3 slot is emptyProcessor 4/6 slot (Processor 3)Total
DIMMs123456 789101112131415161718 192021222324DIMMs
6  20226
8  20228
9                     20 22 249
10  20222410
11                     20 22 2411
12 1517 202212
13 13 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.13
14 1517 202214
15               15 17   20 22 2415
16 1517 202216
17 17 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.17
18 131517 20222418
19 19 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.19
20 131517 20222420
21 21 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.21
22 131517 20222422
23 23 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.23
24 15161718 1920212224

Related DIMM population sequences for three processor systems:

  • Processor 3 DIMM population sequences for systems with 25 to 36 DIMMs, see Table 4.
  • To continue populating processor 1 and 2 DIMMs for a system with 6 to 24 DIMMs, see Table 1.

Table 4. Memory mirroring with three processors (Processor 3, 25 to 36 total DIMMs installed in server). Processor 3 is actually installed in the processor 4 or processor 6 slot.
TotalProcessor 3 slot is emptyProcessor 4/6 slot (Processor 3)Total
DIMMs123456 789101112131415161718 192021222324DIMMs
25               15161718 19202122  25
26 15161718 1920212226
27             13 15 17  19202122232427
28 15161718 1920212228
29               15161718 19202122  29
30 131517 19202122232430
3131 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported. 31
32 15161718 192032
33             13 15 17  19202122232433
3434 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.34
35 35 DIMM memory mirroring configuration is not supported.35
36 131415161718 19202122232436

Related DIMM population sequences for three processor systems:

  • Processor 3 population sequences for 6 to 24 DIMMs, see Table 3.
  • To continue populating processor 1 and 2 DIMMs for a system with 25 to 36 DIMMs, see Table 2.