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Cannot create a template with Full SysPrep from a Windows ISO image

When attempting to create a template with Full SysPrep mode from an application that was created from a Windows ISO image, the creation process might fail with the error Error processing command COMMAND_REQUEST_TYPE_TEMPLATE_CREATE_FROM_VM.

The error looks similar to the following:


This topic applies to all Windows ISO images except Windows 10.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Connect via SSH to the impacted Windows VM.
  2. Open the contents of the ISO image and uninstall the guest agent by running the 32-bit or 64–bit MSI file.
  3. Shut down the Windows VM.
  4. Create the template using Full SysPrep.

    For more information, see Import a VM to create a template

  5. Start the instance and install the guide agent by running the same 32–bit or 64-bit .MSI file.

    For more information, see Install guest agent tools