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Set up the bootstrap node

The bootstrap node is a temporary node that is used to deploy the OCP cluster on the control plane nodes. After the cluster is deployed, the bootstrap node can be removed.

Complete the following steps to set up the bootstrap node:

  1. From the VDC Instances page, click Start Instance to start the bootstrap instance:

    Screen capture showing the Start instance option of the Actions menu.
  2. Quickly establish an SSH session with the bootstrap node to see the boot menu. After the Instance is Powered ON, it will automatically boot from the pre-selected option: LOCAL DISK. We want to boot first from BOOTSTRAP (BIOS), then from LOCAL DISK.

    Choose BOOSTRAP (BIOS) from the menu:

    Screen capture of the PXE Boot Menu with Bootstrap (BIOS) selected.

    Screen capture of the PXE Boot Menu with BOOT FROM LOCAL DISK selected.

    The bootstrap node is rebooted.