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Set up the control plane nodes

The control plane nodes, which are also known as master nodes, contain the services that are used to manage the cluster.

A minimum of three control plane nodes are required. For each control plane node, complete the following steps:

  1. From the VDC Instances page, click the Actions menu (Screen capture of the Actions menu icon) next to the instance. Then, click Start Instance to start the control plane instance:

    Screen capture showing the Start instance option of the Actions menu for a control plane node.
  2. Quickly establish an SSH session with the control plane node to see the boot menu. After the Instance is Powered ON, it will automatically boot from the pre-selected option: LOCAL DISK. We want to boot first from MASTER (BIOS), then from LOCAL DISK.

    Choose MASTER (BIOS) from the menu:

    Screen capture of the PXE Boot Menu with master (bios) selected.

    Screen capture of the PXE Boot Menu with BOOT FROM LOCAL DISK selected.

    The control plane node is rebooted.

  4. After the node reboots, run the following command to install OpenShift.
    $ ./openshift-install  wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level debug --dir=/root/ocp-44/install

    Screen capture of the openshift-install CLI command
  5. After the command completes successfully, you can shut down the bootstrap instance from the VDC Instances page.

Repeat these steps for all control plane nodes.