更新 Lenovo TOR 交換器之後,請確定交換器可依照解決方案配置完整運作。
請執行下列作業,確定更新的 TOR 交換器正常運作,再繼續進行。使用 HLH 上的 PuTTY 連接到 TOR 交換器。在顯示的 PuTTY 安全性警訊中選取
圖 1. PuTTY 安全性警訊
如果要確認已套用 Lenovo TOR 交換器 NOS 更新,請輸入下列指令:
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show version Lenovo Networking Operating System (NOS) Software Technical Assistance Center: http://www.lenovo.com Copyright (C) Lenovo, 2016. All rights reserved.
Software: Bootloader version: System version: System compile time: Jul 18 17:06:53 PDT 2018 Hardware: NE2572 ("48x25GE + 6x100GE") Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU with 8192 MB of memory
Device name: Lenovo-TOR1 Boot Flash: 16 MB
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 6 minute(s), 46 second(s)
Last Reset Reason: Power Cycle Lenovo-TOR1#
2019-01-09T23:18:00.924+00:00 Lenovo-TOR1(cnos:default) %VLAG-5-OS_MISMATCH: vLAG OS version mismatch, local OS version is 10.8.x.x peer OS version is 10.6.x.x 2019-01-09T23:18:10.924+00:00 Lenovo-TOR1(cnos:default) %VLAG-5-OS_MISMATCH: vLAG OS version mismatch, local OS version is 10.8.x.x peer OS version is 10.6.x.x
您可能會看到參考訊息定期顯示,如上述範例結尾所示,指出兩個 TOR 交換器之間 OS 不相符。這是程序在此刻的預期狀況。更新第二個 TOR 交換器之後,這些訊息應會停止顯示。
如果要確認 TOR 交換器已設定為開機至新的韌體映像檔(現在是作用中映像檔),請輸入下列指令:
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show boot Current ZTP State: Enable Current FLASH software: active image: version, downloaded 00:33:35 PST Thu Jan 10 2019 standby image: version, downloaded 18:24:35 PST Fri Jan 12 2018 Grub: version, downloaded 23:09:14 PST Wed Jan 9 2019 BIOS: version 020AB, release date 02/14/2018 Secure Boot: Enabled ONIE: version unknown, downloaded unknown Currently set to boot software active image Current port mode: Port Ethernet1/37 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/38 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/39 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/40 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/45 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/46 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/47 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/48 is set in 10G mode Next boot port mode: Port Ethernet1/37 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/38 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/39 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/40 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/45 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/46 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/47 is set in 10G mode Port Ethernet1/48 is set in 10G mode Currently scheduled reboot time: none
如果要確認所有鏈結都在運作中並已指派 IP 位址,請執行下列指令:
show interface brief | include up |
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show interface brief | include up Ethernet1/1 7 eth trunk up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/2 7 eth trunk up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/3 7 eth trunk up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/4 7 eth trunk up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/40 -- eth routed up none 10000 -- Ethernet1/43 -- eth routed up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/44 -- eth routed up none 25000 -- Ethernet1/47 -- eth routed up none 10000 -- Ethernet1/48 -- eth routed up none 10000 -- Ethernet1/49 99 eth trunk up none 100000 101 Ethernet1/50 99 eth trunk up none 100000 101 po101 99 eth trunk up none 100000 lacp mgmt0 management up 1000 1500 Vlan7 -- up -- Vlan107 -- up -- loopback0 up Loopback0_Rack1_TOR1
乙太網路介面 1/5 到 1/16 的狀態取決於縮放單位中的節點數目。上述範例取自 4 節點 SXM4400 解決方案。
如果要確認 vLAG ISL 保持不變且運作正常,請執行下列指令:
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show vlag information Global State: enabled VRRP active/active mode: enabled vLAG system MAC: 08:17:f4:c3:dd:63 ISL Information: PCH Ifindex State Previous State -------+-----------+-----------+--------------------------------- 101 100101 Active Inactive
Mis-Match Information: Local Peer -------------+---------------------------+----------------------- Match Result : Match Match Tier ID : 100 100 System Type : NE2572 NE2572 OS Version : 10.8.x.x 10.8.x.x
Role Information: Local Peer -------------+---------------------------+----------------------- Admin Role : Primary Secondary Oper Role : Secondary Primary Priority : 0 0 System MAC : a4:8c:db:bb:0b:01 a4:8c:db:bb:0c:01
Consistency Checking Information: State : enabled Strict Mode : disabled Final Result : pass
如果要確認 BGP 連線已開啟並已建立階段作業,請執行下列指令:
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show ip bgp summary BGP router identifier, local AS number 64675 BGP table version is 74 2 BGP AS-PATH entries 0 BGP community entries 8 Configured ebgp ECMP multipath: Currently set at 8 8 Configured ibgp ECMP multipath: Currently set at 8
Neighbor V AS MsgRcv MsgSen TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 64675 72 74 74 0 0 01:09:14 5 4 64675 74 74 74 0 0 01:09:15 33 4 64675 74 74 74 0 0 01:09:24 33 4 64719 235 215 74 0 0 01:09:17 25 4 64719 235 214 74 0 0 01:09:17 25
Total number of neighbors 5
Total number of Established sessions 5
請注意,上述範例取自靜態路由解決方案。使用動態路由的解決方案也包含邊界交換器的兩個 BGP 階段作業,總計 7 個階段作業。
如果要確認 VRRP 主要和備份項目已開啟並轉遞,請在每個 TOR 交換器上執行下列指令:
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR1#show vrrp vlag Flags: F - Forwarding enabled on Backup for vLAG vLAG enabled, mode: vrrp active Interface VR IpVer Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr ------------------------------------------------------------------ (F)Vlan7 7 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Backup (F)Vlan107 107 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Backup
Lenovo-TOR2#show vrrp vlag Flags: F - Forwarding enabled on Backup for vLAG vLAG enabled, mode: vrrp active Interface VR IpVer Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vlan7 7 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Master Vlan107 107 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Master
如果要確認 ACL 已就定位且計數器正在遞增,請執行下列指令︰
show ip access-lists summaryshow ip access-lists |
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR-1#show ip access-lists summary IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_IN statistics enabled Total ACEs Configured: 28 Configured on interfaces: Vlan7 - ingress (Router ACL) Active on interfaces: Vlan7 - ingress (Router ACL) Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_OUT statistics enabled Total ACEs Configured: 28 Configured on interfaces: Vlan7 - egress (Router ACL) Active on interfaces: Vlan7 - egress (Router ACL) Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Stor_IN statistics enabled Total ACEs Configured: 6 Configured on interfaces: Vlan107 - ingress (Router ACL) Active on interfaces: Vlan107 - ingress (Router ACL) Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Stor_OUT statistics enabled Total ACEs Configured: 6 Configured on interfaces: Vlan107 - egress (Router ACL) Active on interfaces: Vlan107 - egress (Router ACL) Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL UPLINK_ROUTED_IN statistics enabled Total ACEs Configured: 4 Configured on interfaces: Ethernet1/47 - ingress (Router ACL) Ethernet1/48 - ingress (Router ACL) Active on interfaces: Ethernet1/47 - ingress (Router ACL) Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL copp-system-acl-authentication Total ACEs Configured: 3 Configured on interfaces: Active on interfaces: Configured and active on VRFs: IPV4 ACL copp-system-acl-bgp Total ACEs Configured: 2 Configured on interfaces: Active on interfaces: Configured and active on VRFs: ...
範例 |
Lenovo-TOR-1#show ip access-lists IP access list Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_IN statistics per-entry 500 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( (" 510 permit any [match=70214264] 520 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( (10 .20.3.61/32)" 530 permit any host [match=11180] 540 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( P (" 550 permit any 560 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-InVIP ( -INF (" 570 permit any [match=27814360] 580 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( (10.2 0.23.0/27)" 590 permit any [match=80158] 600 remark "Permit pub-adm-vip ( (10.2 0.25.0/24)" 610 permit any [match=76824] 620 remark "Permit 112 any ( (" 630 permit 112 any host [match=62576] 640 remark "Permit UDP any_TO_any(BOOTP) port 67" 650 permit udp any any eq bootps [match=443] ...
在更新的 Lenovo TOR 交換器中驗證基本系統聚合之後,請使用下列步驟測試解決方案連線功能:
使用 XClarity Administrator 瀏覽器介面的頂端功能表瀏覽至。
做為額外的驗證步驟,請登入 Azure Stack Hub 管理者入口網站。
檢查 Azure Stack Hub 管理者入口網站,確保目前沒有可見的警示。
圖 2. 檢查 Azure Stack Hub 管理者入口網站是否有警示
等到網路流量和連線性完全重新聚合且系統穩定為止。也請檢查 Azure Stack Hub 管理者入口網站,以確保所有元件狀態指示器都顯示為性能良好。解決方案穩定之後,回到「在 TOR 交換器上更新 CNOS」主題,然後在另一個 TOR 交換器上重複此程序。兩個 TOR 交換器都已更新並確認其功能和穩定性之後,繼續進行 BMC 交換器更新。
圖 3. 確認 TOR 交換器韌體更新已完成