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Verify Lenovo TOR switch functionality

After updating the Lenovo TOR switch, ensure that the switch is fully functional, based on the solution configuration.

In addition to comparing the running configuration of the switch to the backup configuration file saved before updating the switch firmware, the following suggested validation procedures help to verify that:

  • Switch NOS is updated and set to boot to it

  • vLAG ISL is intact and operational

  • BGP connections are up and sessions are established

  • VRRP master and backup are up and forwarding

  • All links are up and IP addresses are assigned

  • ACLs are in place and counters are incrementing

Perform the following tasks to ensure that the updated TOR switch is working properly before proceeding. Use PuTTY on the HLH to connect to the TOR switch. Select Yes in the PuTTY Security Alert that displays.
Figure 1. PuTTY security alert
Screenshot of PuTTY security alert

Verify Lenovo TOR switch update

To verify that the Lenovo TOR switch NOS update has been applied, enter the following command:

Show version
Lenovo-TOR1#show version
Lenovo Networking Operating System (NOS) Software
Technical Assistance Center:
Copyright (C) Lenovo, 2016. All rights reserved.

Bootloader version:
System version:
System compile time: Jul 18 17:06:53 PDT 2018
NE2572 ("48x25GE + 6x100GE")
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU with 8192 MB of memory

Device name: Lenovo-TOR1
Boot Flash: 16 MB

Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 6 minute(s), 46 second(s)

Last Reset Reason: Power Cycle

2019-01-09T23:18:00.924+00:00 Lenovo-TOR1(cnos:default) %VLAG-5-OS_MISMATCH: vLAG OS version mismatch,
local OS version is 10.8.x.x peer OS version is 10.6.x.x
2019-01-09T23:18:10.924+00:00 Lenovo-TOR1(cnos:default) %VLAG-5-OS_MISMATCH: vLAG OS version mismatch,
local OS version is 10.8.x.x peer OS version is 10.6.x.x
You might see informational messages display periodically, as shown at the end of the example above, indicating an OS mismatch between the two TOR switches. This is expected at this point in the process. These messages should stop displaying after updating the second TOR switch.

Verify boot image

To verify that the TOR switch is set to boot to the new firmware image (which is now the active image), enter the following command:

show boot
Lenovo-TOR1#show boot
Current ZTP State: Enable
Current FLASH software:
active image: version, downloaded 00:33:35 PST Thu Jan 10 2019
standby image: version, downloaded 18:24:35 PST Fri Jan 12 2018
Grub: version, downloaded 23:09:14 PST Wed Jan 9 2019
BIOS: version 020AB, release date 02/14/2018
Secure Boot: Enabled
ONIE: version unknown, downloaded unknown
Currently set to boot software active image
Current port mode:
Port Ethernet1/37 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/38 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/39 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/40 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/45 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/46 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/47 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/48 is set in 10G mode
Next boot port mode:
Port Ethernet1/37 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/38 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/39 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/40 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/45 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/46 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/47 is set in 10G mode
Port Ethernet1/48 is set in 10G mode
Currently scheduled reboot time: none

To verify that all links are up and IP addresses are assigned, run the following command:

show interface brief | include up
Lenovo-TOR1#show interface brief | include up
Ethernet1/1 7 eth trunk up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/2 7 eth trunk up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/3 7 eth trunk up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/4 7 eth trunk up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/40 -- eth routed up none 10000 --
Ethernet1/43 -- eth routed up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/44 -- eth routed up none 25000 --
Ethernet1/47 -- eth routed up none 10000 --
Ethernet1/48 -- eth routed up none 10000 --
Ethernet1/49 99 eth trunk up none 100000 101
Ethernet1/50 99 eth trunk up none 100000 101
po101 99 eth trunk up none 100000 lacp
mgmt0 management up 1000 1500
Vlan7 -- up --
Vlan107 -- up --
loopback0 up Loopback0_Rack1_TOR1

The state of Ethernet interfaces 1/5 through 1/16 depend on the number of nodes in the scale unit. The above example is taken from a 4-Node SXM4400 solution.

Verify vLAG ISL

To verify that the vLAG ISL is intact and operational, run the following command:

show vlag information
Lenovo-TOR1#show vlag information
Global State: enabled
VRRP active/active mode: enabled
vLAG system MAC: 08:17:f4:c3:dd:63
ISL Information:
PCH Ifindex State Previous State
101 100101 Active Inactive

Mis-Match Information:
Local Peer
Match Result : Match Match
Tier ID : 100 100
System Type : NE2572 NE2572
OS Version : 10.8.x.x 10.8.x.x

Role Information:
Local Peer
Admin Role : Primary Secondary
Oper Role : Secondary Primary
Priority : 0 0
System MAC : a4:8c:db:bb:0b:01 a4:8c:db:bb:0c:01

Consistency Checking Information:
State : enabled
Strict Mode : disabled
Final Result : pass

Verify BGP is operational

To verify that the BGP connections are up and sessions are established, run the following command:

show ip bgp summary
Lenovo-TOR1#show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 64675
BGP table version is 74
2 BGP AS-PATH entries
0 BGP community entries
8 Configured ebgp ECMP multipath: Currently set at 8
8 Configured ibgp ECMP multipath: Currently set at 8

Neighbor V AS MsgRcv MsgSen TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 64675 72 74 74 0 0 01:09:14 5 4 64675 74 74 74 0 0 01:09:15 33 4 64675 74 74 74 0 0 01:09:24 33 4 64719 235 215 74 0 0 01:09:17 25 4 64719 235 214 74 0 0 01:09:17 25

Total number of neighbors 5

Total number of Established sessions 5

Note that the above example is from a statically routed solution. A solution using dynamic routing also includes two BGP sessions for the Border switches, totaling 7 sessions.

Verify VRRP is operational

To verify that the VRRP master and backup are up and forwarding, run the following command on each TOR switch:

show vrrp vlag
Lenovo-TOR1#show vrrp vlag
Flags: F - Forwarding enabled on Backup for vLAG
vLAG enabled, mode: vrrp active
Interface VR IpVer Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr
(F)Vlan7 7 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Backup
(F)Vlan107 107 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Backup

Lenovo-TOR2#show vrrp vlag
Flags: F - Forwarding enabled on Backup for vLAG
vLAG enabled, mode: vrrp active
Interface VR IpVer Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr
Vlan7 7 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Master
Vlan107 107 IPV4 100 100 cs Y Master

Verify ACLs are present and operational

To verify that ACLs are in place and counters are incrementing, run the following commands:

show ip access-lists summaryshow ip access-lists
Lenovo-TOR-1#show ip access-lists summary 
IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_IN
statistics enabled
Total ACEs Configured: 28
Configured on interfaces:
Vlan7 - ingress (Router ACL)
Active on interfaces:
Vlan7 - ingress (Router ACL)
Configured and active on VRFs:
IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_OUT
statistics enabled
Total ACEs Configured: 28
Configured on interfaces:
Vlan7 - egress (Router ACL)
Active on interfaces:
Vlan7 - egress (Router ACL)
Configured and active on VRFs:
IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Stor_IN
statistics enabled
Total ACEs Configured: 6
Configured on interfaces:
Vlan107 - ingress (Router ACL)
Active on interfaces:
Vlan107 - ingress (Router ACL)
Configured and active on VRFs:
IPV4 ACL Rack01-CL01-SU01-Stor_OUT
statistics enabled
Total ACEs Configured: 6
Configured on interfaces:
Vlan107 - egress (Router ACL)
Active on interfaces:
Vlan107 - egress (Router ACL)
Configured and active on VRFs:
statistics enabled
Total ACEs Configured: 4
Configured on interfaces:
Ethernet1/47 - ingress (Router ACL)
Ethernet1/48 - ingress (Router ACL)
Active on interfaces:
Ethernet1/47 - ingress (Router ACL)
Configured and active on VRFs:
IPV4 ACL copp-system-acl-authentication
Total ACEs Configured: 3
Configured on interfaces:
Active on interfaces:
Configured and active on VRFs:
IPV4 ACL copp-system-acl-bgp
Total ACEs Configured: 2
Configured on interfaces:
Active on interfaces:
Configured and active on VRFs:

Lenovo-TOR-1#show ip access-lists 
IP access list Rack01-CL01-SU01-Infra_IN
statistics per-entry
500 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF (
510 permit any [match=70214264]
520 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( (10
530 permit any host [match=11180]
540 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF (
P ("
550 permit any
560 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-InVIP (
-INF ("
570 permit any [match=27814360]
580 remark "Permit R01-C01-SU01-INF ( (10.2
590 permit any [match=80158]
600 remark "Permit pub-adm-vip ( (10.2
610 permit any [match=76824]
620 remark "Permit 112 any ( ("
630 permit 112 any host [match=62576]
640 remark "Permit UDP any_TO_any(BOOTP) port 67"
650 permit udp any any eq bootps [match=443]

Verify solution network connectivity

Once the basic system convergence is verified in the updated Lenovo TOR switch, test solution connectivity using the following steps:

  1. Use the top menu of the XClarity Administrator browser interface to navigate to Administration > Network Access.

  2. Click the Test Connection button near the top of the interface.

  3. In the Host field, enter, and click Test Connection.

  4. A success window displays. Click Close to dismiss this window.

  5. As an additional verification step, sign in to the Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal.

  6. Check the Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal Portal to ensure that no alerts are currently visible.

    Figure 2. Checking Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal for alerts
    Screenshot of checking Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal for alerts

Wait until network traffic and reachability fully reconverge and the systems stabilize. Also check the Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal to ensure all component status indicators are shown as healthy. Once the solution has stabilized, return to the “Update CNOS on TOR switches” topic and repeat the process on the other TOR switch. Once both TOR switches have been updated and their functionality and stability have been verified, proceed with the BMC switch update.

Figure 3. Verifying that TOR switch firmware updates are complete
Screenshot of verifying that TOR switch firmware updates are complete