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Account Lockout Policy

This section allows you to configure the account lockout policy.

To open the Account Lockout Policy page, click Settings > Account Lockout Policy.

The fields of the Account Lockout Policy page are explained below.
  • Enable Lockout Policy: Select this check box to enable the account lockout policy.

  • Attempt Times: Specify the number of incorrect attempts before the account is locked out.

  • Reset Time (Min): Enter a value between 0 and 10922. The value 0 indicates that the account resets till the BMC goes through a power cycle.

  • Lockout Time (Min): Enter a value between 30 and 10922, or 0. The value 0 indicates that the account lockout terminates till the BMC goes through a power cycle.

  • Click Account Lockout Policy to save the policy.