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Date & Time

This section is used to set the date and time on the BMC.

To open the Date & Time page, click Settings > Date & Time.

The Date & Time section consists of the following fields:
  • Configure Date & Time: This pane displays the time zone list containing the UTC offset along with the locations and navigational line to select the location which can be used to display the exact local time.

  • Select Time Zone: This field is used to set the date and time on the BMC.

  • Automatic NTP Date & Time: Select this option to automatically synchronize date and time with the NTP Server.

    • Primary NTP Server: Configure a primary NTP server to use when automatically setting the date and time.

    • Secondary NTP Server: Configure a secondary NTP server to use when automatically setting the date and time.

  • Save: Saving the settings.


If the time zone is selected as Manual Offset, the map selection will be disabled. The time zone settings will be reflected only after you save the settings.


  1. Select the time zone location either using the drop-down list box or the map.

  2. Enable Automatic NTP Date & Time to enable or disable the use of NTP servers to automatically set the date and time.

    • In the Primary NTP Server and Secondary NTP Server fields, specify the NTP servers of the device respectively.


      Secondary NTP server is an optional field. If the Primary NTP Server is not working fine, then the Secondary NTP Server will be tried.

  3. Click Save to save the settings.