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SMTP Settings

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for e-mail transmission across IP networks.

This section allows you to configure the SMTP settings of the device.

To open the SMTP Settings page, click Settings > SMTP Settings.

The fields of the SMTP Settings page are explained below.
  • LAN Interface: Select the LAN interface to be configured.

  • Sender Email ID: Enter a valid sender e-mail ID on the SMTP Server. Maximum allowed size for an e-mail ID is 64 bytes, which includes user name and domain name.

  • Primary SMTP Support: Enable or disable SMTP support for the BMC.

  • Primary Server Name: Enter the “Machine Name” of the SMTP server. This field is for information purpose only.
    • Machine Name is a string of maximum 25 alpha-numeric characters.

    • Spaces and special characters are not allowed.

  • Primary Server IP: Enter the server address for the SMTP Server

    • An IP address consists of 4 numbers separated by dots, as in “”.

    • Each number ranges from 0 to 255.

    • The first number must not be 0.

    • IPv4, IPv6, and host name formats are supported.

  • Primary SMTP port: The default port is 25 and the port value ranges from 1 to 65535.

  • Primary Secure SMTP port: The default port is 465 and the port value ranges from 1 to 65535.

  • Primary SMTP Authentication: Enable or disable SMTP authentication.

    Supported SMTP server authentication types include:
    • CRAM-MD5

    • LOGIN

    • PLAIN

    If the SMTP server does not support any of the above authentication types, the user will get an error message stating, Authentication type is not supported by SMTP Server.

  • Primary Username: Enter the user name required to access SMTP accounts.
    • A user name is string of 4 to 64 alpha-numeric characters that must start with an alphabetical character.

    • Special characters like dot (.), at sign (@), hyphen (-), and underscore (_) are supported. Others are not allowed.

  • Primary Password: Enter the password for the SMTP user.
    • A password must be 4 to 64 characters long.

    • White space is not allowed.

  • Primary SMTP SSLTLS Enable: Enable or disable the SMTP SSLTLS protocol.

  • Primary SMTP STARTTLS Enable: This option is available only when Primary SMTP SSLTLS Enable is not selected.
    • Upload SMTP CA Certificate File: file that contains the certificate of the trusted CA certs. The CACERT key file should be of pem type.

    • Upload SMTP Certificate File: Client certificate filename. The CERT key file should be of pem type.

    • Upload SMTP Private Key: Client private key filename. The SMTP key file should be of pem type.

    To enable STARTTLS support, the primary SMTP support option should be enabled.
  • Secondary SMTP Support: It lists the secondary SMTP server configuration. It is an optional field. If the primary SMTP server is not working fine, then it tries with secondary SMTP server configuration.
    Options of Secondary SMTP Support are same as those of Primary SMTP Support.
  • Save: Save the settings.