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This menu contains the following sub menu items:

Hold Right Ctrl Key: This menu item can be used to act as the right-side <CTRL> key in console redirection.

Hold Right Alt Key: This menu item can be used to act as the right-side <ALT> key in console redirection.

Hold Left Ctrl Key: This menu item can be used to act as the left-side <CTRL> key in console redirection.

Hold Left Alt Key: This menu item can be used to act as the left-side <ALT> key in console redirection.

Left Windows Key: This menu item can be used to act as the left-side <WIN> key in console redirection. You can also decide how the key should be pressed: Hold Down or Press and Release.

Right Windows Key: This menu item can be used to act as the right-side <WIN> key in console redirection. You can also decide how the key should be pressed: Hold Down or Press and Release.

Ctrl+Alt+Del: This menu item can be used to act as if you depressed the <CRTL>, <ALT>, and <DEL> keys down simultaneously on the server that you are redirecting.

Context menu: This menu item can be used to act as the context menu key in console redirection.

Hot Keys: This menu is used to add the user configurable shortcut keys to invoke in the host machine. The configured key events are saved in the BMC.

Full Keyboard Support: Enable this option to provide full keyboard support. This option is used to trigger the Ctrl and Alt keys directly to host from the physical keyboard.