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Video Record

This menu contains the following sub menu items:

Start Record: This option is to start recording the screen.

Stop Record: This option is used to stop the recording.

Settings: This option is used to set the settings for video recording.
Before you start recording, you have to enter the settings.
  1. Click Video Record > Settings.

    The settings page is displayed.

  2. Enter the Video Length in seconds.

  3. Browse and enter the location where you want the video to be saved.

  4. Enable the option of Normalized video resolution to 1024 X 768.

  5. Click OK to save the entries and return to the console redirection screen.

  6. Click Cancel if you don’t wish to save the entries.

  7. In the console redirection window, click Video Record > Start Record.

  8. Record the process.

  9. To stop the recording, click Video Record > Stop Record.