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Quick buttons

The lower right of console redirection windows displays all the quick buttons. These quick buttons allow you to perform the below functions by clicking them.

This option is available only when you launch the Java console.

Table 1. Quick buttons in console redirection windows

Play icon

This key is used to play the console redirection after being paused.

Pause icon

This key can be used for pausing console redirection.

Full screen mode icon

This button is used to view the console redirection in full screen mode.

Set your client system resolution same as the host system resolution so that you can view the server in full screen.

Soft keyboard icon

This quick button is used to show or hide the soft keyboard.

Zoom icon

Drag this to zoom in or out.

Record icon

This quick button is used to record the video.

Media icon

Media icon

These quick buttons will pop up a virtual media where you can configure the media.

Mouse cursor icon

This quick button is used to show or hide the mouse cursor on the remote client system.

Active Users icon

This quick button is used to switch to Active Users.

Server power status icon

This quick button will work like a toggle button.
  • If the icon is in green, the server status is powered on. Clicking the button will trigger an immediate shutdown action in the host.

  • If the icon is in red, the server status is powered off. Click the button to power on the host.

Hot key icon

This quick button displays the available hot keys.