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This menu contains the following sub menu items:

Pause redirection: This option is used for pausing console redirection.

Resume Redirection: This option is used to resume the console redirection when the session is paused.

Refresh Video: This option can be used to update the display shown in the console redirection window.

Capture Screen: This option helps to take the screenshot of the host screen and save it in the client’s system.

Compression mode: This option helps to compress the video data transfer to the specific mode.

Video quality list: This list allows you to choose a video quality.

Turn OFF Host Display/Host Video Output: If you enable this option, the server display will be blank but you can view the screen in console redirection. If you disable this option, the display will be back in the server screen.

Low Bandwidth Mode: This option is used to control the video packet dataflow in the network.

Full Screen: This option is used to view the console redirection in full screen mode (Maximize). This menu is enabled only when both the client and host resolution are same.

Exit: This option is used to exit the console redirection screen.