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POST – Create a subscription

Create a subscription for Redfish service to send event to subscriber.

Request URL

POST https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions

Request body




[Mandatory]This property shall contain a URI to the destination where the events will be sent.

HTTP/HTTPS URI if Protocol is Redfish;

RFC1157-defined URI if Protocol is SNMPv1;

RFC3411 and RFC3418 defined URI if Protocol is SNMPv3;

RFC5321-defined SMTP URI if Protocol is SMTP.


String[Mandatory]A client-supplied string that is stored with the event destination subscription.


StringThe support protocols are “Redfish”, “SMTP”, “SNMPv1” and “SNMPv3”.



Item: string

Item count: maps to members under the resource /redfish/v1/Registries



StringMaps to members under the resource /redfish/v1/Registries

Response body

It responds the created subscription resource, refer the response body of Event subscription with GET method.

Status code

HTTP Status CodeError Message ID
400BadRequest, PropertyValueNotInList


Create Redfish protocol subscription

The following example is POST body:

"Protocol": "Redfish",
"Context": "Test_Context",
"Destination": "",
"RegistryPrefixes": [

The following example JSON response is returned:

"SubscriptionType" : "RedfishEvent",
"HttpHeaders" : [],
"RegistryPrefixes" : [
"EventFormatType" : "Event",
"OriginResources@odata.count" : 0,
"OriginResources" : [],
"Id" : "3A048D0E",
"Destination" : "",
"Context" : "Test_Context",
"MessageIds" : [],
"SubordinateResources" : null,
"" : "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/3A048D0E",
"@odata.etag" : "\"1575571584025\"",
"@odata.type" : "#EventDestination.v1_5_0.EventDestination",
"Protocol" : "Redfish",
"Description" : "This resource represents the target of an event subscription, including the types of events subscribed and context to provide to the target in the Event payload.",
"Name" : "Destination",
"ResourceTypes" : []

Create SMTP protocol subscription

The following example is POST body:

“Context”: “SMTP user”,
"Destination": "",
"Protocol": "SMTP"

The following example JSON response is returned:

"Protocol": "SMTP",
"Description": "This resource represents an event destination for a Redfish implementation.",
"EventFormatType": "Event",
"Id": "REST-SMTP-1",
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled"
"Context": "SMTP user",
"@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_11_0.EventDestination",
"": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/REST-SMTP-1",
"@odata.etag": "\"363737e9a52729657ae\"",
"Name": "REST-SMTP-1",
"Destination": "",
"SubscriptionType": "RedfishEvent"

Create SNMPv1 trap subscription

The following example is POST body:

"Destination": "snmp://",
"Protocol": "SNMPv1",
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": "test"

The following example JSON response is returned:

"Protocol": "SNMPv1",
"Id": "REST-SNMPv1-1",
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": "test"
"@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_8_0.EventDestination",
"": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/REST-SNMPv1-1",
"Destination": "snmp://",
"Description": "This resource represents an event destination for a Redfish implementation.",
"Context": "",
"Name": "REST-SNMPv1-1",
"Status": {
"State": "Disabled"
"@odata.etag": "\"38906ed3cd672966db8\"",
"SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap",
"EventFormatType": "Event"

Note that if the “State” in the response is “Disabled”, you would need to enable the SNMPv1 trap in /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol /Oem/Lenovo/SNMP.

Create SNMPv3 trap subscription

The following example is POST body:

"Destination": "snmp://test@",
"Protocol": "SNMPv3"

The following example JSON response is returned:

"Protocol": "SNMPv3",
"Id": "REST-SNMPv3-2",
"SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap",
"@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_8_0.EventDestination",
"": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/REST-SNMPv3-2",
"Destination": "snmp://test@",
"Description": "This resource represents an event destination for a Redfish implementation.",
"Context": "",
"Name": "test",
"Status": {
"State": "Disabled"
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": null
"@odata.etag": "\"3b17f6a279c82667a00\"",
"EventFormatType": "Event"

If the “State” in the response is “Disabled”, you would need to enable the SNMPv1 trap in /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol /Oem/Lenovo/SNMP.

Create SNMPv2c trap subscription

The following example is POST body:

"Destination": "snmp://",
"Protocol": "SNMPv2c",
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": "test"

The following example JSON response is returned:

"Description": "This resource represents an event destination for a Redfish implementation.",
"Id": "REST-SNMPv2c-2",
"Name": "REST-SNMPv2c-2",
"@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_12_0.EventDestination",
"": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/REST-SNMPv2c-2",
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#EventDestination.EventDestination",
"Protocol": "SNMPv2c",
"@odata.etag": "\"3e29269e00cd2a26e2e\"",
"Context": "",
"Destination": "snmp://",
"EventFormatType": "Event",
"SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap",
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": "test"
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled"
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"Resolution": "If failed, retry before meeting the requirement of the security mode.",
"Message": "The value \"snmp://\" for the property Destination is not recommanded by current security mode Standard.",
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_2.Message",
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "LenovoExtendedWarning.1.0.NotRecommandedOperation",
"MessageSeverity": "Warning"

For SNMPv3, the format shall be consistent with RFC4088: “snmp://<user>@<host>”. If format is incorrect, the error PropertyValueConflict is returned.

Create SNMPv3 trap subscription

The following example is POST body:

"Destination": "snmp://test@",
"Protocol": "SNMPv3"

The following example JSON response is returned:

"Protocol": "SNMPv3",
"Id": "REST-SNMPv3-2",
"SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap",
"@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_8_0.EventDestination",
"": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/REST-SNMPv3-2",
"Destination": "snmp://test@",
"Description": "This resource represents an event destination for a Redfish implementation.",
"Context": "",
"Name": "test",
"Status": {
"State": "Disabled"
"SNMP": {
"TrapCommunity": null
"@odata.etag": "\"3b17f6a279c82667a00\"",
"EventFormatType": "Event"

If the “State” in the response is “Disabled”, you would need to enable the SNMPv3 trap in /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol /Oem/Lenovo/SNMP.