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hreport command

Use this command to show embedded health report.

The following table shows the hreport commands.

Table 1. hreport commands. The following table is a multi-row two column table consisting of the different hreport command descriptions.
generateCreate new health report
statusCheck status
copyCopy existing health report
deleteDelete existing health report

The following table shows the arguments for the generate and copy options.

Table 2. generate and copy command. The following table is a multi-row two column table consisting of the generate and copy command options and option descriptions.
-fRemote filename or sftp target directory (default is system generated name ((for sftp, use full path or trailing / on directory name (~/ or /tmp/))
-ipAddress of tftp/sftp server
-pnPort number of tftp/sftp server (default 69/22)
-uUsername for sftp server
-pwPassword for sftp server