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Replacing a SATADOM

Use this information to replace a SATADOM.

To replace a SATADOM, complete the following steps.

  1. Touch the static-protective package that contains the adapter to any unpainted metal surface on the server; then, remove the adapter from the package.
  2. Shut down the node by following the hypervisor specific Node Shutdown procedure described in the Nutanix Hardware Replacement Documentation.
  3. Install the SATADOM.
  4. Stop the startup process at the main IMM menu screen to configure the boot SSD for the Lenovo Converged HX Series appliances:
    • Configure boot drive virtual drives

    • Select virtual drive for booting

  5. Use the Phoenix installer to reinstall the hypervisor and CVM by following the Imaging a Node procedure in the appendix of the Nutanix Field Installation Guide.
    Make sure JP136 jumper surrounds Pin2 & Pin3. For more information, see System-board switches and jumpers.
    Figure 1. SATADOM installation
    SATADOM installation
  6. Reinstall compute node (see Installing a compute node in a chassis).
  1. Install the server into the rack enclosure and push the server into the rack until it clicks into place.
  2. Reconnect any cables that you removed.
  3. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server.