Adding management hub users
It is recommended that you create at least two user accounts for XClarity Management Hub 2.0.
To add users, click Users from the context menu on the Security view, and then click the Add icon () on the Users panel.
You can specify 2 – 32 characters, including alphanumeric + . - _ characters.
The name is case insensitive and is saved in lowercase.
Passwords expire after 90 days.
It is recommended that you use strong passwords of 16 or more characters. By default, passwords must have 8 – 256 characters, including one or more uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters, numbers, and special characters ; @ _ ! ' $ & +. Consider the following recommendations when creating passwords.
Do not use known passwords obtained from earlier breaches, leaks, or hacks.
Do not use dictionary words.
Do not use context-specific words, such as the name of a service, an email address, or derivatives thereof.
Do not use more than two repetitive or sequential characters (for example, aaa or 123abc).
Do not reuse any of the last five passwords.
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