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FQXST0552W : {An EMP reported one of the following: }

{An EMP reported one of the following: }



Serviceable with log


Automatically Notify Support


User Action

If a fan in the specified FRU has been uninstalled:

  1. Check that the specified FRU is in the specified enclosure.
  2. If the FRU is not in the enclosure, install the appropriate FRU immediately.
  3. If the FRU is in the enclosure, ensure that the FRU is fully seated in its slot and that its latch is locked.
  4. If none of the above resolves the issue, the specified FRU has failed and should be replaced.
If a fan in the specified FRU has failed and fan redundancy for the FRU has been lost:
  1. The specified FRU has failed and should be replaced.

When the problem is resolved, an event with the same code will be logged with a severity of Resolved.