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Resolving an alert

Lenovo XClarity Administrator provides information about the appropriate actions to perform to resolve an alert.


Complete the following steps to resolve an alert.

  1. From the Lenovo XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Monitoring > Alerts to display the Alerts page.
  2. Locate the alert in the alerts log.
  3. Click the link in the Alert column to view information about the alert (including an explanation and recovery actions) and properties for the device that is the source of the alert (such as the Universally Unique Identifier).
  4. Complete the recovery actions that are listed under the Details tab to resolve the alert. The following example illustrates recovery actions for an event.
    Change the security policy setting on the referenced managed chassis to match the current security policy on the management server.

    To change the security policy on the chassis, open a command-line interface session on the Chassis Management Module (CMM) and run one of the following commands:

    • To change the security policy level to Secure:
      security -p secure -T mm[p]
    • To change the security policy level to Legacy:
      security -p legacy -T mm[p]
    If the explanation and recovery actions for an alert are not displayed under the Details tab, go to Lenovo Flex System online documentation, and search for the alert ID (for example, FQXHMSE0004G). The website always provides the most up-to-date information.

    If you follow the recommended actions and the problem persists, contact Lenovo Support.