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Viewing relationships between jobs and events

A flow diagram is a graphical view that shows relationships between activities (including jobs and events) that are manually initiated by a user or automatically initiated by Lenovo XClarity Administrator. The flow diagram helps to identify problems by illustrating the sequence of actions that were initiated and events that were generated, when they generated, and what caused them to be generated.

Before you begin

Activity flows are disabled by default. You must enable activity flows before flows can be generated for an activity. You can view flows only for activities that occur when Activity Flow is enabled.

Activity flows increase memory usage by XClarity Administrator. It is recommended that you do not enable activity flows if memory usage by XClarity Administrator is already high.

About this task

The following example illustrates a flow diagram. The sequence of events flow from left to right. Each node in the flow represents a single activity and includes the activity description, date, and status. You can hover the cursor over the node title to view additional information about the activity.

The style of the lines between the nodes indicates the certainty of relationship between nodes.
  • Solid lines represent a high certainty.

  • Long-dashed lines represent a medium certainty.

  • Short-dashed lines represent a low certainty.

Graphic multiple nodes with varying certainty in a flow diagram.


Complete the following steps to view the flow diagram for a specific activity.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Monitoring > Activities flow to display the Activities flow page
  2. Enable activity flows by selecting Enable Activities Flow.
  3. In the Activities section, select the job or event.

    You can sort the table columns to make it easier to find specific activities. In addition, you can select a status type, activities type, date, enter a custom filter, or enter text (such as a name or IP address) in the Filter field, and to list only those activities that meet the selected criteria

    Graphic showing a list of activities for which a flow diagram can be generated
  4. Click Generate Flow Diagram to display the flow diagram in the Flow Diagram section

After you finish

From this page you can perform the following actions:

  • View additional information about each activity in the flow diagram by hovering the cursor over the activity.

  • Export related flow for the selected activities to a CSV file clicking the Actions > Export to CSV.