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turnon command

Use the turnon command to turn on the server.

turnon command syntax

OneCli.exe misc multiospower <turnon> [--check-trust|-C] [--never-check-trust|-N] [--quiet|-q] 
[--configfile <arg>] [--output|-o <arg>] [--nolog] [--config <arg>] [--help|-h]
Table 1. turnon command specific parameters
--configfileRequiredSpecify the config file for the multi-task command. The template file is available in Sample/multi_task_config.json.
--quiet, -qOptional

This parameter answers yes for all questions, and decreases the outputs displayed on screen.

  • --bmc/imm, -b

  • --help, -h

  • --nolog


Refer to Table 2.

Example of the turnon command

OneCli.exe misc multiospower turnon --configfile xxxx/xxxx