Event Log
Event log tab allow users to view SEL (System Event Log) and perform backup/restore/restore to default operations.
Event Log: A record of chassis level events
USB Recovery: Users can perform data migration of event logs and chassis settings between FPC modules. Settings can also be restored to default in this page.
SEL logs chassis level info/warning/critical events so that user can get some clues of what is going on in the chassis. A maximum number of 511 event entries can be logged.
By default, the latest entry is at the last page as events are sorted by occurring order from earliest in time to the latest. Click on Date/Time can reorder the sorting from latest to earliest event.

- Refresh: SEL does not automatic refresh. User needs to manually click Refresh to get the latest entries.
- Save Log: Exports SEL data and save as .csv file
- Clear Log: Clears SEL data
- Severity: From low severity to high severity
: Indicates Information type of events
: Indicates Warning type of event
: Indicates Critical type of events. Critical event lits ‘Error’ LED.
For detailed event log messages, please see Messages and Codes Reference at http://thinksystem.lenovofiles.com/help/index.jsp.