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Application templates

An application template is a "gold master," system-prepared (sysprep) image of an application instance. Templates facilitate easy and instantaneous creation of application instances; a single template can be used to create any number of instances.

In the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller, infrastructure admin users and VDC manager users can create application templates in several ways:
  • Create a new template from an existing application instance.

  • Import a VM from a .VMDK, .VHD, .VHDx, .IMG, .OVA, .QCOW2, .QED, or .RAW and save it as a template.


    Make sure that you cleanly shut down the source virtual machine (VM) before importing the disk file(s).

  • Download a template from the Lenovo Cloud Marketplace.

    For more information about the Lenovo Cloud Marketplace, see the following topic:

    Lenovo Cloud Marketplace