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General Settings

This section is used to configure general media settings.

To open the General Settings page, click Settings > Media Redirection Settings > General Settings.

On the General Settings page, the following check box is displayed:

Remote Media Support: Select or clear this check box to enable or disable remote media support.

If it is selected, the following remote media types will be displayed:
  • CD/DVD

  • Hard disk

On selecting the individual media types, its respective configurations will be displayed. You can configure different settings for different remote media types. Alternatively, the same configurations can be applied to both media types by using the check box of Same settings for Harddisk Images.

The following page shows the configurations for different media types.

The fields of the General Settings page are explained below.
  • Same settings for Harddisk Images: If this check box is selected, the server information entered for the CD/DVD media type will be applied to the hard disk media type as well.

  • Server Address for Harddisk Images: Address of the server where remote media images are to be stored. IPv4, IPv6, and FQDN address formats are supported.

  • Path in server: Source path to the remote media images.

    A path must be alpha-numeric and only the following special characters are allowed: backward slash (\), forward slash (/), underscore (_), dot (.).

  • Share Type for Harddisk: Select nfs, cifs or https.

  • Domain Name, Username, and Password: If the share type is Samba (CIFS), enter user credentials to authenticate on the server.

  • Retry Interval: Enter the retry interval to reconnect RMedia. The value ranges from 15 (default) to 30.

  • Retry Count: Enter the retry count to reconnect RMedia. The value ranges from 3 (default) to 6.

  • Save: Save the settings.


For RMedia share types, we support the following NFS, CIFS and HTTPS mount protocols, for mounting remote image share paths to the BMC. This is just to set general configurations before mounting, but not the actual mount. So this is just a check on the format of the settings rather than a validity check for “Path in server”, “Username”, “Password”, etc.

Example: The format for the settings is correct, but the “Path in server” doesn’t exist, or the “Username” or “Password” is wrong. In this case, these configurations will still be set successfully.

