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Recovery and RAS

Use this menu to configure recovery policies and advanced reliability, availability, and serviceability settings.

POST Attempts

Post Attempt Limit
  • Disable

  • 9

  • 6

  • 3

Configure the number of attempts to POST before the recovery mechanism is invoked. When the number of consecutive failed POST attempts reaches the limit, the system will reboot with the factory default settings. 3 is the default setting.
You may encounter some message boxes when post attempts. Follow the message for setup.

Advanced RAS




Machine Check Recovery

  • Enable

  • Disable

Enable software layers (OS, VMM, DBMS, Application) to assist in system recovery from hardware uncorrectable error. Enable is the default setting.

PCI Error Recovery

  • Enable

  • Disable

Allow the system to recover from an uncorrectable PCIe fault when enabled. The faulting PCIe device will be disabled for error containment and the OS will be notified to rescan the PCIe buses. Disable is the default setting.

An uncorrectable PCIe fault will result in an NMI when disabled.

PCIe Endpoint Reset on Fatal Error

  • Enable

  • Disable

PCIe Endpoint Reset On Fatal Error. Disable is the default setting.

Disk GPT Recovery




Disk GPT Recovery

  • Automatic

  • Manual

  • None

[Automatic] means that system UEFI will automatically repair the corrupt GUID Partition Table (GPT). [Manual] means that system UEFI will only repair the corrupt GPT based on user input to a message box. [None] means the system UEFI will not repair the corrupted GPT. Recovery result can be retrieved from the system event log.

None is the default setting.

System Recovery




POST Watchdog Timer

  • Enable

  • Disable

Enable/Disable POST Watchdog Timer. Disable is the default setting.

POST Watchdog Timer Value


Enter POST loader Watchdog timer value in minutes from the specified range (5-20).

Reboot System On NMI

  • Enable

  • Disable

Enable/Disable reboot of the system during non-maskable interrupt. Enable is the default setting.

  • If NMI is triggered by NMI button as diagnostic interrupt, XCC will only drive NMI without reboot action.

  • If NMI is triggered by XCC WebUI/IPMIcmd as software NMI, XCC will perform action based on setting. The default reboot timeout is 60 seconds.