GET – 许可证属性
使用 GET 方法检索 XCC2_Platinum 许可证或 VROC_VMD 信息。
请求 URL
GET https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/XCC2_Platinum|VROC_VMD
字段 | 类型 | 描述 | |
Id | 字符串 | “XCC2_Platinum”或“VROC_VMD” | |
Name | 字符串 | “Lenovo XClarity Controller 2 Platinum Upgrade”或“Intel VROC VMD NVMe RAID Premium” | |
Description | 字符串 | “This resource is used to represent a license for a Redfish implementation.” | |
LicenseType | 字符串 | “Production” | |
LicenseOrigin | 字符串 | “Installed”或“BuiltIn” | |
ExpirationDate | 字符串 | 许可证的到期日期。 如果没有限制,则显示“null” | |
Removable | 布尔 | 如果“LincenseOrigin”等于“Installed”,则值为 true。 如果“LincenseOrigin”等于“BuiltIn”,则值为 false。 | |
Manufacturer | 字符串 | Lenovo | |
LicenseString | 字符串 | null | |
EntitlementId | 字符串 | 机器类型加上序列号 | |
AuthorizationScope | 字符串 | 对于 Platinum 为“Service”,对于 VMD 为“Device” | |
RemainingUseCount | 整数 | 始终为 0 | |
DownloadURI | 字符串 | “/LicenseDownload/license_XCC2_Platinum”或“/LicenseDownload/license_VROC_VMD” | |
Status | 对象 | 已展开 | |
State | 字符串 | 对应于密钥状态 0:“Enabled” 其他值:“Disabled” | |
Health | 字符串 | “OK” | |
Links | 对象 | 已展开 | |
AuthorizedDevices | 链接 | 空 |
HTTP 状态代码 | 错误消息 ID |
400 | BadRequest |
500 | InternalError |
返回以下示例 JSON 响应:
XCC2_Platinum 许可证:
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#License.License",
"RemainingUseCount": 0,
"LicenseString": null,
"LicenseOrigin": "Installed",
"EntitlementId": "7D721234567890",
"Removable": true,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"Links": {
"AuthorizedDevices": []
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"Health": "OK"
"LicenseType": "Production",
"AuthorizationScope": "Service",
"@odata.etag": "\"68be1d681b0f2aee23f\"",
"DownloadURI": "/LicenseDownload/license_XCC2_Platinum",
"Oem": {
"Description": "This resource is used to represent a license for a Redfish implementation.",
"Manufacturer": "Lenovo",
"Id": "XCC2_Platinum",
"Name": "Lenovo XClarity Controller 2 Platinum Upgrade",
"@odata.type": "#License.v1_0_0.License",
"": "/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/XCC2_Platinum"
VROC_VMD license:
"Id": "VROC_VMD",
"Name": "Intel VROC VMD NVMe RAID Premium",
"@odata.type": "#License.v1_0_0.License",
"": "/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/VROC_VMD",
"Links": {
"AuthorizedDevices": []
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"Health": "OK"
"Description": "This resource is used to represent a license for a Redfish implementation.",
"DownloadURI": "/LicenseDownload/license_VROC_VMD",
"RemainingUseCount": 0,
"LicenseOrigin": "Installed",
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#License.License",
"LicenseString": null,
"AuthorizationScope": "Device",
"Manufacturer": "Lenovo",
"EntitlementId": "7D7512345678",
"@odata.etag": "\"640ed2d2c16524ec2a8\"",
"LicenseType": "Production",
"Oem": {
"Lenovo": {
"IdTypes": [
"@odata.type": "#LenovoLicense.v1_0_0.LenovoLicense",
"DescTypeCode": 32802
"ExpirationDate": null,
"Removable": true