POST – 重置安全引导密钥
使用 POST 方法重置安全引导密钥。
请求 URL
POST https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/Actions/SecureBoot.ResetKeys
字段 | 类型 | 描述 |
ResetKeysType | 字符串 | 此操作用于重置安全引导密钥(在下次引导时生效): 值:
XCC2 将在收到此命令时在内部执行 RPP 断言。 如果成功断言 RPP,则返回代码 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo“RebootRequired”: "RebootRequired": { "Description": "Indicates that one or more properties were changed, and/or actions completed successfully.However, these changes will not take effect until the next system reboot.", "Message": "Changes completed successfully, but these changes will not take effect until next reboot.", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "ParamTypes": [], "Resolution": "Reboot the computer system for the changes to take effect." } 否则,返回代码 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo“PhysicalPresenceError”: "PhysicalPresenceError": { "Description": "The operation failed because Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence was not asserted.", "Message": " The operation failed because of Remote Physical Presence security requirements.", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "ParamTypes": [], "Resolution": "Attempt asserting Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence, and retry the operation." } |
HTTP 状态代码 | 错误消息 ID |
200 | RebootRequired、PhysicalPresenceError |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | InternalError |
以下示例是 PATCH 正文。
"ResetKeysType": "DeletePK"
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageArgs": [],
"Resolution": "Reboot the computer system for the changes to take effect.",
"MessageId": "ExtendedError.1.1.RebootRequired",
"Severity": "Warning",
"Message": "Changes completed successfully, but these changes will not take effect until next reboot.",
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_6.Message"