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Configuring Call Home

Use the information in this topic to configure call home.

You can create a service forwarder that automatically sends service data for any managed device to Lenovo Support using the Call Home function.

Lenovo is committed to security. When enabled, Call Home automatically contacts Lenovo to open a service ticket and sends in service data collected from a managed device whenever that device reports a hardware failure. Service data that you would typically upload manually to Lenovo Support is automatically sent to the Lenovo Support Center over HTTPS using TLS 1.2 or later, your business data is never transmitted. Access to service data in the Lenovo Support Center is restricted to authorized service personnel.

Entering the call home page for the first time

When entering the Call Home page for the first time, you’ll see a warning window, click on View Terms and Conditions to continue.

Attention: You must accept the Lenovo Privacy Statement before you can transfer data to Lenovo Support. This action only needs to be once when first enter the page.

You can find “View Terms and Conditions” and Lenovo Privacy Statement on top of the page to review them anytime.

Configure Call Home

There are nine required fields to be filled in:
  • Country

  • Contact Name

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Postal Code

Attention: All the required fields must be filled in or you won’t be able to apply the changes and enable Reporting to Lenovo Service.

Activity Log

The displayed event information content includes Severity, Case Number, Event ID, Message, Date, Status and Action.

Each ticket can have one of the following five status:
  • Pending: The service information is being sent or waiting for response.

  • Active: The service information was sent successfully and the problem is currently being processed.

  • Failed: The service information was not sent successfully.

  • Closed: The problem has been processed and closed.

  • Cancelled: The problem has been processed and cancelled.

You can perform one of the following two actions for each ticket:
  • Action — Cancel:

    When a ticket’s status is “Active”, you can click the “Undo” icon in the “Action” column to cancel the ticket.
  • Action — Note: When you click the “Note” icon in the “Action” column, you’ll be prompted to leave notes for the corresponding event.
    Both Notes Title and Notes Message must be filled in to be sent successfully. This function ONLY sends information to the server. It is not for saving and displaying the information. If you click Note again, you’ll be prompted with a new Note window to leave another message.

Test Call Home

You can test call home function by clicking on Test Call Home in the Activity Log section, a message will display on top of the page to indicate whether the operation was successful, and you will be able to check the event log below for test result.

To successfully Call Home, please ensure that DNS settings are valid and a connection exists to the Internet address required by Call Home. If XClarity Controller access the Internet through an HTTP proxy, ensure that the proxy server is configured to use basic authentication and is set up as a non-terminating proxy.

HTTP Proxy

HTTP Proxy serves two intermediary roles as an HTTP Client and an HTTP Server for security, management, and caching functionality. The HTTP Proxy routes HTTP Client requests from a Web browser to the Internet, while supporting the caching of Internet data.

  • Proxy Location: This field is required to enable the HTTP Proxy. It can only accept a maximum of 63 characters, allowing users to specify IP address or hostname. The host name only contains alphanumeric, hyphen ('-'), and underscore ('_') characters.

  • Proxy Port: This field is required to specify the port of the HTTP Proxy. This field only allows numbers to be entered, ranging from 1-65535.

  • Test Proxy: To enable this feature, you need to fill in the correct Proxy Location and Proxy Port to test whether the current HTTP Proxy function is available.

  • User Name: If the Requires authentication option is checked, the username will be required and represent a proxy credential. This field allows a maximum length of 30 characters and spaces are invalid.

  • Password: This field is optional and will be displayed if the Requires authentication option is checked. This field allows a maximum length of 15 characters and spaces are invalid.