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Creating an FoD account

It is necessary to have or create a Lenovo FoD account before an authorization code can be used to obtain single or multiple activation keys.

Complete the following steps to set up eFoD on the FoD website:
  1. Go to the FoD website,

    Figure 1. Lenovo FoD website login panel
    Lenovo FoD website login panel
  2. Register for an account if you do not already have one by clicking the register link.

  3. Log into the FoD web site as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Login panel
    Login panel
  4. You will then be presented with the Welcome page as shown in Figure 3. Depending on the type of account you have, you may see additional menu items on the left side of the page, such as Profile Management and Inventory Management.

    Figure 3. Welcome page (standard user)
    Welcome page (standard user)

An FoD user account can be an administrator of one or more customer numbers. To find out who the administrators are for your customer, use the Contact function described in Contact. Methods on how you can become an administrator are described in Becoming an administrator.