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Management-hub service data

You can manually collect service data for Lenovo XClarity Management Hub 2.0 and then save the information as an archive in tar.gz format to the local system. You can then send the service files to your preferred service provider to get assistance in resolving issues as they arise.

Online service-data collection

To collect and save management-hub service data to the local system, click Service data from the context menu on the Administration view from the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 web interface.

Ensure that web browser does not block pop-ups for the management-hub website when downloading service data.

Offline service-data collection

If XClarity Management Hub 2.0 becomes unresponsive and cannot be recovered, you can collect service data for that management-hub from the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 Service Support Center portal by clicking Offline Service File Collection.

You can access the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 Service Support Center portal by pointing your web browser to the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 IP address and port 8443, for example:
  • If you specified a static IPv4 address during installation, use that IPv4 address to access the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 Service Support Center portal.

  • If a DHCP server is set up in the same broadcast domain as the management hub, use the IPv4 address that is displayed in the virtual-machine console to access the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 Service Support Center portal.

  • Access to the portal is through a secure connection. Ensure that you use https.

Specify the service-recovery password in the Authentication Key field, and select Password as the Authentication type.

If six consecutive log-in attempts fail, within a 15 minute period, you must wait at least 1 hour before signing in again.

Service data is compressed into a single .tar.gz file to your local system. You can choose to collect all service files and management server logs or just the logs.

  • All Service Data. Includes service logs, syslogs, and information about the virtual machine, operating system, network, processes, containers, and databases.

  • Logs Only. Includes service logs, syslogs, and information about the virtual machine.

Only the latest archive file is stored in the management hub repository. The file is deleted when the next collection request is made.

Service-recovery password

The service-recovery password and the password-expiration interval were set during initial configuration. This service-recovery password is needed to collect service data on an unresponsive management hub. By default, the password must be reset every 90 days.

If six consecutive sign-in attempts fail within a 15-minute period or if consecutive sign-in attempts occur too quickly (within 1 second), your user account is locked for 60 minutes.

If you attempt to collect service data for an unresponsive management hub and the service-recovery password is expired, you are redirected to the Reset Service Recovery Password dialog to change the password.

You can also change the password and expiration interval at any time from the Service Support Recovery Password card by clicking Service data from the context menu on the Administration view from the XClarity Management Hub 2.0 web interface.

The password must have 16256 characters, including one or more uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters, numbers, and special characters ; @ _ ! ' $ & +

Ensure that you record the password for later use. You cannot recover an unresponsive management hub without using this password.