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Launching a remote SSH session for a switch

You can launch a remote SSH session for a managed RackSwitch or Flex switch from Lenovo XClarity Administrator. From the remote SSH session, you can use the command-line interface to perform management tasks that are not provided by XClarity Administrator.

Before you begin

Ensure that the switch is configured to enable SSH. For RackSwitch switches, SSH is enabled when the switch is managed by XClarity Administrator. For Flex switches, SSH is typically enabled by default. If not enabled, SSH must be enabled before the switch is managed by XClarity Administrator.


Complete the following steps to launch a remote SSH session for a managed switch.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Hardware > Switches. The Switches page is displayed with a tabular view of all switches that are installed in managed chassis.

    You can sort the table columns to make it easier to find the switches that you want to manage. In addition, enter text (such as a name or IP address) in the Filter field to further filter the switches that are displayed.

    Illustrates the list of managed switches in the Switches page.
  2. Select the switch to launch an SSH session.
  3. Click All Actions > Launch > SSH Console.
  4. If required, log in to the switch using your user ID and password.