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Monitoring jobs

Jobs are long-running tasks that run in the background. You can view a log of all jobs that are started by Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator.

About this task

If a long-running task targets multiple resources, a separate job is created for each resource.

You can see the status and details about each job in the jobs log. The jobs log can contain a maximum of 500 root jobs. When the maximum size is reached, the oldest root job that completed successfully is deleted, including all subtasks and logs for that job. If there are no jobs that completed successfully in the log, the oldest jobs that completed with warnings are deleted. If there are no jobs that completed successfully or with warnings in the log, the oldest jobs that completed with errors are deleted.

Jobs that are running for more than 24 hours are stopped and placed in the Expired state.


To view jobs, complete one or more of the following steps.
  • View scheduled jobs

    Click Monitoring (Monitoring icon) > Jobs from the XClarity Orchestrator menu bar, and then click the Scheduled Jobs tab to display the Scheduled Jobs card. This card lists information about each scheduled job, including the status, timestamp when the job is scheduled to run, and timestamp when the job was launched.

  • View jobs

    Click Monitoring (Monitoring icon) > Jobs from the XClarity Orchestrator menu bar to display the Jobs card. This card lists information about each job, including the status, progress, start and end timestamps, and target resource.

    Jobs card

    To view detailed information about a job, click the row for that job in the table. Cards are displayed that lists information about each subtask in the job (including the status, progress, start and end timestamps, target devices, and jobs log).

    Job details cards, with information about the job and each subtask in the job

After you finish

You can perform the following actions from the Jobs card.

  • Delete a completed or expired job or subtask from the jobs log by selecting the job or subtask and clicking the Delete (Delete icon) icon.