LCD system information display panel
The following section includes an overview of the LCD system information display panel, which displays various types of information about the server.
The LCD system information display panel attached to the front of the server allows quick access to system status, firmware, network, and health information.

Callout | Callout |
1 Information display panel | 3 Select button |
2 Scroll up button | 4 Scroll down button |
2 Scroll up button: Press this button to scroll up or scroll to the left in the main menu to locate and select the system information that you want displayed.
3 Select button: Press this button to make your selection from the menu options.
4 Scroll down button: Press this button to scroll down or scroll to the right in the main menu to location and select the system information that you want displayed.
Following is an example of the information on the display panel.

Callout | Callout |
1 System name | 4 UEFI/POST code |
2 Ambient temperature | 5 System status |
3 Estimated power consumption |
Following is an illustration of the LCD system information display panel menu options flow.

When you navigate through the hierarchy of the menu options, the LCD display panel shows information for that option with the up and down arrows. At the bottom of the hierarchy, only the up arrow is left, while at the top of the hierarchy, only the down arrow is left.
For the errors submenu set, when only one error occurs, the LCD display panel displays that error. When more than one error occurs, the LCD display panel displays the number of errors that have occurred. If no errors occur, the no error menu will be available for navigation.
To move within the menu options, use the Scroll up or Scroll down buttons, then the Select button to enter a submenu set.
The LCD system information display panel displays the following types of information about the server:
Lenovo XClarity Controller (LXCC) system error log
NoteTheScroll Down button will only function for this menu option when errors occur. A list of current errors reported by the system will be displayed. - System VPD information
Machine type and serial number
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) string
System firmware levels:
UEFI code level
LXCC code level
LXCC network information:
LXCC hostname
LXCC dedicated MAC address
NoteOnly the MAC address that is currently in use is displayed (dedicated or shared).LXCC shared MAC address
IP v4 information
System environmental information:
Ambient temperature
Processor temperature
AC input voltage
Estimated power consumption