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Front backplane LEDs and rear drive LEDs

This topic offers the status of LEDs on the front backplane, and rear drives LEDs showing via light pipes.

LEDs on the front backplane

Figure 1. LEDs on the front backplane

1 Drive status LED2 Drive activity LED
3 CPLD heartbeat LED 

1 Drive status LED 2 Drive activity LED

Table 1. Front drive LED description
Drive Status1 Drive status LED (Orange)2 Drive activity LED (Green)
The drive is not present.OffOff
The drive is present but not active.OffOn
The drive is present and active.OffBlinking (4 Hz)
Locating the drive.Blinking (4 Hz)On
A drive fault happens.OnOn
The drive is being rebuilt.Blinking (1 Hz)Blinking (1 Hz)

3 CPLD heartbeat LED

The CPLD heartbeat LED helps you identify the power and health status of the system board. There is another CPLD heartbeat LED on DC-SCM, see LEDs and buttons on Datacenter Secure Control Module (DC-SCM).

Table 2. CPLD heartbeat LED
3 CPLD heartbeat LED (Green)
Blinking (about one flash per second)CPLD is working normally.
Blinking at other speeds or always onCPLD is at the initial phase or is working abnormally
OffCPLD is not working

Rear drive LEDs

Communicating through the light pipes, each drive comes with a window for an activity LED and a status LED. Different colors and speeds indicate different activities or status of the drive. The following illustrations and tables describe the problems that are indicated by the activity LED and the status LED.

Figure 2. Rear drive LEDs
Drive LEDs

Table 3. Rear drive LED description
Drive Status1 Drive status LED (Orange)2 Drive activity LED (Green)
The drive is not present.OffOff
The drive is present but not active.OffOn
The drive is present and active.OffBlinking (4 Hz)
Locating the drive.Blinking (4 Hz)On
A drive fault happens.OnOn
The drive is being rebuilt.Blinking (1 Hz)Blinking (1 Hz)