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Maintaining server-configuration compliance

The settings on a server can become out of compliance with its server profile if settings were changed without using configuration patterns, if an issue occurred when applying a configuration pattern (for example, if the pattern was created from an earlier firmware level than what is on the server), or when applying a firmware update that changed the server configuration (for example, settings might be added or deleted, setting behaviors might change, new choices might be added, or value ranges might change).

About this task

You can determine the compliance status of each server from the Profile Status column on the Configuration Patterns: Server Profiles page. If a server profile is non-compliant, hover the cursor over the status to determine the reason.

During a compliance check, if a server is found to be non-compliant, XClarity Administrator attempts to remediate certain non-compliance issues. If issues were remedied, XClarity Administrator changes the status icon to Non Compliant Remediable icon and raises an audit event for the issues that were remedied. Check the audit log for details about which settings were changed on the server.


To remediate server-configuration compliance issues, perform one of the following steps.