18070105 : Encl Conf Check: Chassis, transition to Non-Critical from OK was asserted.
Encl Conf Check: Chassis, transition to Non-Critical from OK was asserted.
The setting of power supply is not match to current configuration.
Alert Category
System - SMM2 system event
User Action
- For DW612 enclosure
- Ensure the power supplies are composed of the same power type.
- For enclosure type 2, ensure the power supply slots 7~9 is clear.
- For enclosure type 2 or 3, ensure the power supplies are 2400W.
- For SD650-N V2, ensure the power supplies are 2400W.
- For SD650-N V2 400W, ensure the enclosure type is 2 or 3.
- For SD650-N V2 500W, ensure the enclosure type is 3.
- For DA240 enclosure
- Ensure all power supplies are 2400W.
- If the event persists, please consult with technical service.
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