XCC events that automatically notify Support
You can configure the XClarity Administrator to automatically notify Support (also known as call home) if certain types of errors are encountered. If you have configured this function, see the table for a list of events that automatically notify Support.
Event ID | Message String |
FQXSPCA0002M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has asserted. |
FQXSPEM4014I | The RAID controller has problem with the battery. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) |
FQXSPEM4015I | The RAID controller detected unrecoverable error. The controller needs replacement.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) |
FQXSPEM4025I | One or more virtual drive have problem. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) |
FQXSPEM4026I | Drive error was detected by RAID controller. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) |
FQXSPIO0001L | The connector [PhysicalConnectorElementName] has encountered a configuration error. |
FQXSPIO0011N | An Uncorrectable Error has occurred on [SensorElementName]. |
FQXSPIO0015M | Fault in slot [PhysicalConnectorSystemElementName] on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. |
FQXSPPW0035M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has asserted. |
FQXSPPW0047M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper critical) has asserted. |
FQXSPPW0063M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. |
FQXSPSD0001L | The [StorageVolumeElementName] has a fault. |
FQXSPSD0002G | Failure Predicted on [StorageVolumeElementName] for array [ComputerSystemElementName]. |
FQXSPSD0005L | Array [ComputerSystemElementName] is in critical condition. |
FQXSPSD0006L | Array [ComputerSystemElementName] has failed. |
FQXSPSS4004I | Test Call Home Generated by user [arg1]. |
FQXSPSS4005I | Manual Call Home by user [arg1]: [arg2]. |