FQXSPUN0023N : Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to non-recoverable.
Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to non-recoverable.
This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Sensor transitioned to non-recoverable.
Alert Category
Critical - Other
Automatically Notify Support
User Action
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
- Check the Lenovo support site for an applicable service bulletin or firmware update that applies to this error.
- Reboot the system.
- If problem persists, collect Service Data log and Contact Lenovo Support.
- For 1-2 Processor system:
- Reduce the compute board/system in error to a minimum configuration; 1 CPU + 1 DIMM. Does the problem still occur? Yes/No
- No: Add CPU and/DIMMs one and a time until the error re-occurs. Consider replacing the last CPU or DIMM that was installed that caused the error.
- Yes: If error/problem still exists, swap in one of the other DIMMs and/or CPUs previously removed in step a. Proceed to add HW one piece at a time to identify the bad CPU or DIMM.
- If the problem still exist, (trained technician only) replace system board.
- If problem persists, escalate to next level of support.
- For 4-8 Processor system:
- Escalate to a next level of support.
- Note: The solution for this error may involve a system board replacement. If TPM encryption has been enabled, back up TPM Encryption Recovery Key.