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Physical Presence Policy Configuration




Physical Presence Policy
  • Enable (Default)

  • Disable

Enable/Disable Remote Physical Presence policy. The option is modifiable when the Physical Presence State is asserted.
  • Enable: This option allows Remote Physical Presence to be asserted without the need for Hardware Physical Presence. When the item is enabled, a time-out value is used to assert the policy for a specified number of minutes.

  • Disable: If this item is disabled, this will require hardware physical presence to re-enable this policy.

Minutes To Assert


Number of minutes (range 1-100) to have Remote Physical Presence asserted. Physical Presence Policy must be enabled and a value set to have Remote Physical Presence asserted.
This is not a count-down value.
Physical Presence State
  • Hardware Physical Presence Asserted

  • Remote Physical Presence Asserted

  • Hardware and Remote Physical Presence are Asserted

  • De-asserted (Default)

  • Hardware Physical Presence Asserted: if Hardware Physical Presence Jumper is Asserted, the only way to de-assert Physical Presence is to change the jumper on the planar.

  • Remote Physical Presence Asserted: asserting allows Physical Presence to be set for a duration listed in minutes even if Hardware Physical Presence Jumper is not asserted. Asserting does not require a reboot.
    Assertion does not require a reboot.
  • Hardware and Remote Physical Presence are Asserted: both the Hardware Physical Presence Jumper on the planar and the Remote Physical Presence are Asserted.

  • De-asserted: the default setting. De-asserting turns off Physical Presence (unless the HW Physical Presence Jumper is asserted).
    De-assertion does not require a reboot.
Toggle Remote Physical Presence Assert 

Switch the Remote Physical Presence between Assertion and De-assertion when Physical Presence Policy is enabled. The option is NOT modifiable when Physical Presence Policy is disabled.